The Conscious World Initiative University (TCWIU)
The Right Solution at the Right Time
Welcome to The Conscious World Initiative University (TCWIU). We’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to the Quintessence of Dynamic and Scalar Self-Development. Human consciousness has been Hijacked. To reverse this Hijacking TCWIU has established Five (5) powerful Colleges designed to teach the esoteric, mystical, and spiritual knowledge necessary to utilize the tools, skills, techniques, and practices taught here to raise your personal vibration, which in turn raises your frequency making your frequency a compatible match to the Upper Eternal Planes of Creation. Our original and authentic Home.
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Galactic StarSeeds
Here to Help Humanity Reclaim their Hijacked Consciousness
Humanity is undergoing a Great Spiritual Awakening. Perhaps you're here to help? This awakening is characterized by an ever-increasing drive, passion, and zeal to raise ones spiritual consciousness. Each of us must 'reverse' the Hijacking of our spiritual consciousness, so we can perceive our inner and outer reality as the Source intended. This Hijacking blindfolds our perceptions of reality. We must regain and restore our spiritual heritage as quickly as possible.
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All The Planes of Creation
A Spiritual Awakening and complete 'reversal' of our Consciousness must begin with the 'Complete' story of who we really are and how our human consciousness got Hijacked in the first place.
The Upper Planes of Creation
The Upper Planes of Creation are "Eternal" and the authentic Home of our Spirit or Source. For an undetermined number of eons, we dwelled here in the four (4) Loks or four eternal regions of our original Home.
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The Lower Planes of Creation
There came a time where we began our epic journey down to the Lower "Non-Eternal" Planes of Creation began. To return Home, we must 'Reverse' the Hijacking of our consciousness and escape the lower Matrix. TCWIU will show you how.